This week we were working hard to: Look after equipment and clean up after ourselves!!
Ruby made her wheel have an axle by putting a pipe through the middle.
Sophia, Isalei and Ella made a car that they could drive to the park.
Bede drew a plan of a train on the tracks and then made his train, after a chat he added a long length of track for the track to go along.
Sophia used the big construction vehicles to transport the
little ones so they didn't get stuck in the mud!
Alyssa and Vanessa cleverly made their vehicles have wheels on both sides so they would balance without being held. Great thinking girls!!
Mason made a town around his roads. He added houses and then decided the town also needed: a hospital, supermarket, shops and a petrol station.
Cassiaus pushed himself along on FOUR scooter boards!!
What a team effort to build this vehicle with lots of wheels and places for people to sit!!
Two very creative vehicles with wheels... Jed made sure the swimming pool he had added to his vehicle so it could be pulled along behind and Deakin added a driver and steering wheel to his vehicle and well as spokes!
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