Saturday, 24 March 2018

Bugs/Insects Explore!

This week we have been learning all about bugs and insects in Piako Tahi. Lots of us were bringing in insects we found in our garden and we had lots of questions about them so we spent the week finding answers to all our questions! We have been focusing on asking good questions and sharing this week. We learned lots of new and exciting information about bugs/insects. We learned that insects have 6 legs and 3 body parts and that to check if something is an insect we can count it's legs and body parts to be sure.
Here are some photos of us hard at work! 

 Geordie, Coltyn and Kruz coloured their 'bug hunt' once they had found all the bugs!

 Indi, Noah and Jackson worked together to sort the toys into piles of insects and non-insects

 Jacob loved colouring the butterfly for his bug book!

 Ella took time and care to make her finger patterns counting caterpillar

 Mason and Leon made a house for their bugs. They made a room for insects and a room for non-insects. Mason counted his legs and knew he wasn't an insect so he jumped into the 'non-insect' room! 

 Jed enjoyed showing the boys that he found ALL the bugs -even the tricky ant!

 Jed was also very proud of his colourful snail 

 Trinity was an expert helper at the life cycle of a butterfly activity

 Lots of fun and cool patterns at the snail colouring table

Maelee, Indi and Isalei were very focused on our bug hunt and worked together to find all the bugs! 

Some of our most creative work gets put up on our Explore Wall in the Rocket Room each week! 

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