Thursday, 23 August 2018

Hui Whanau - 24/8/18

Look at all these amazing kids who received certificates in our Hui Whanau today!! 
Well done super stars!!

Construction Explore

This week in Explore we have been learning all about construction. We have learned that to make sure your building ends up looking how you want it you should PLAN it before you start building as use your plan as instructions to build. 
Check out some of our awesome constructions from this week!

 Vanessa was the first to build something based off her plan!

 Reuben, Noah, Olive and Jacob constructed this awesome carpark building!

 Alyssa and Indi worked together to follow their plan 

 Kruz was very focussed to make sure his creation matched his plan! 

 Ezra and Samuel made a 3 story carpark building! 

 David and Coltyn worked with Jack to build a different battleship each day

 Bower made a flying spaceship car! 

 Jack's end product matched his plan perfectly! 

 Amelia and Sophie built a home that they could fit in! 

 Jackson was so proud of his creation that he worked so hard on! 

Bede, Junior and Lucas worked together well to build their building 

Cassiaus worked hard to build a mansion that his sister couldn't enter! 

Hui Whanau

Here are our superstars who earned themselves a certificate at our Hui Whanau this week :)

Monster Explore!

Last week we made monster stuff during Explore time! We were working on thinking creatively and helping and supporting others. Check out some of our creative work! 

Wednesday, 22 August 2018

100 Day Celebration

Today was our 100 Day Celebration!

We got to take part in a range of activities all focused around the number 100 and even had some big friends who came and spent the day with us. A few of the activities we could choose from were make a paper chain with 100 links, build a house for 100 people, try write a 100 words and even take a photo of ourselves to see what we would like if we were 100 years old!

Lochy trying to write his name as many times as he could in 100 seconds

Our huge paper chain that had more then 100 links

Some of our 100 year old photos!

Lego Challenges - Workshop

Many of the Piako Tahi children enjoyed the LEGO challenge tasks that we did this week.  We were also lucky to have some buddies from Pounamu Atawhai help us out too.  So much amazing creativity, perseverance and team work going on!

Saturday, 11 August 2018

Hui Whanau

On Friday afternoons we have Hui Whanau. This is a chance for all of us in Piako Tahi to come together and sing songs, do some sharing and celebrate the achievements of our classmates. 

Check out these awesome children who earned themselves a certificate this week!

Puzzles Explore!

This week in Explore we have been learning all about puzzles and mazes. We learned that puzzles and mazes can sometimes be tricky but it is important to keep trying instead of giving up! At the start of the week some of us found this a bit tricky but by Friday the teachers were so impressed with how many of us kept going, even when it was really hard! 

Here are some photos of us from this week:

 Paige made her own mazes activity book for people to do 

 Sophia, Geordie, Junior, Kruz and Lucas worked so well together to complete this Spiderman puzzle

 Ava was proud of herself for solving the Rubiks teddy! 

 Bede worked hard at solving the rubiks cube 

 Ryan and Jackson T worked together to direct the beebot through their maze

 Ruby was very proud of her homemade unicorn puzzle

 Cooper, Jed, David and Kaiden loved making the 3D dinosaur! 

Ryan showed lots of focus making and then using his marble maze 

 Kate worked hard to solve the Rubiks Teddy

 Jayden was chuffed to get the ball in to the middle of the maze!