Saturday, 30 June 2018

Superhero Explore

What's that in the sky? Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Piako Tahi!
This week we have become Superheroes in Explore and have worked on sharing our toys and helping our friends. We have talked about all the different powers we could have and what a Superhero might need to help them. Check out some of our awesome work!

Amber and Jackson working together to complete our superhero puzzle

Maelee and Indi built a secret base underneath our stage. 
Check out our other awesome bases!

Mason built Iron Man his giant armour

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Matariki Explore

Matariki begins on the 15th of June so this we learnt about the story of Matariki and the Seven Sisters. We worked hard to complete our work to a high standard this week by making sure we took our time and doing our best work. 

Practising our rakau skills!

Jacob's pakau!

Kyla and Courtney weaving their whariki

Kaiden reading his mihi

Volcano Explore

This week we focused on volcanoes in Explore! We talked about the difference between dormant and active volcanoes, magma and lava and what parts make up a volcano. Check out some of our awesome work!

Sophie's volcano!

David trying not to fall in the lava!

Busy constructing our volcanoes!

Anahera helping Indi to build her Earth's core model

Sunday, 17 June 2018

Science Experiments

Look at the fun we had this afternoon experimenting with putting pencils through a plastic bag WITHOUT it leaking!!
We talked about how the pressure on the bag from the water kept the water from leaking out of the bag.
We watched Mr Pike do it first and then we had a turn ourselves!!!

Mr Pike's turn...

Now our turn!!!