Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Firewise - Fire Engine Visit

We have worked so hard learning to be Firewise that, as a reward, Belinda brought the Fire Truck for us to see today!!  We looked at all the equipment on it and learned about how they get the water to come up from under the ground and out of the hoses.
THEN we all got to have a go at squirting the hose, it was awesome!!

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Farm Animals Explore!

Last week we learned all about the different kinds of animals that live on a farm! We asked lots of questions about different animals and researched (and asked our friends) to find the answers! 
Check out some photos of us hard at work

 Leon and Tryton worked together to build their own farm! 

 Estela, Penny G, Liam, Anahera and Elliott were hard at work making fences for the animals

 Eden was very focused when sorting pictures into animals that live on a farm and animals that don't. 

 Anahera was very confident when sharing new information she learned about bulls with us all! Thanks Anahera :) 

 Isalei and Ruby loved playing with their homemade farm animal puppets!

 Jed put on a puppet show for some of his friends!

 Isalei was very proud of her creations -they even made our Explore Wow wall this week!

 Jackson had lots of fun making puppets 

 Noah and Jackson worked together to make patterns with the farm animal pictures

 Liam gently guided Brooklyn to pin the tail on the donkey...
 .... And then they swapped! Great teamwork guys :) 

 Bower created and then read this book about farm animals

 Amelia enjoyed the craft table where she made some easter cards!

 Lots of serious cutting happening at the chicken table!

Jayden and Jacob reading their homemade books to Mr Pike - well done boys!